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What Is Hillary Trying To Accomplish??

Hillary Clinton is seeking to increase the amount of Syrian refugees by 500% to more than 65,000. Why?  We know we can provide necessary humanitarian aid, safety, food and shelter, in refugee camps in the Middle East. We know doing so would fulfill any moral obligation we have as citizens of the [...]

Pay To Play At Clinton State Department? Clinton Foundation CEO Says “there is no question there were phone calls made to get appointments for people,”

  It seems that the arrogance of Bill and Hillary Clinton has completely destroyed their sense of propriety. During an interview with the CEO of the CF, Mitchell asked about business people gaining special access to Clinton and the State Department, Shalala responded, “There were also business people. No question.” So [...]

Where Is The Gold?? Deutsche Boerse Responds To Deutsche Bank’s Failure To Deliver Physical Gold

In the latest stunning development involving a documented failure of a bank to deliver physical gold when demanded, yesterday we reported that according to German website, a client of the Xetra-Gold Exchange-Traded Commodity was told the fund’s designated sponsor, Deutsche Bank, would be unable to deliver the requested gold. [...]

An Update On The Obamacare Disaster

Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog, An architect of the federal healthcare law said last year that a “lack of transparency” and the “stupidity of the American voter” helped Congress approve ObamaCare. He suggested that many lawmakers and voters didn’t know what was in the law or how its [...]

The Next Move Of The Powers Behind Hillary

The next move for The Powers behind Hillary is to have the IRS “investigate” the Clinton Foundation. You know that IRS that has proven itself to be another political arm of the Democratic army just like the corrupt Lynch DOJ. “They” will find that nothing was wrong clearing her before [...]

Peter Thiel Delivers A Must Read Speech!

Good evening. I’m Peter Thiel. I build companies and I support people who are building new things, from social networks to rocket ships. I’m not a politician. But neither is Donald Trump. He is a builder, and it’s time to rebuild America. Where I work in Silicon Valley, it’s hard [...]

Rally Call!

The barbarians are at the gate, they are coming for our freedoms, they, the Democrats are coming to enslave us to make us dependent upon the government and their will.. they have done it to minorities by poisoning their once proud cultures with free government largess….I will not be next [...]

Ted Drinks The Arsenic Trump Hands Him.

The Thought Crucible   Ted Cruz is a selfish, arrogant, coward. First, he was my initial choice as candidate as his political views align more with mine. However, the election and re-election of Barack Obama indicates that the populace of this country has moved so far left that it was [...]

Starting Up The Helicopters

Submitted by John Rubino via, As the abject failures of the past few years’ monetary experiments became apparent, it was clear that something else would have to be tried. The only questions were when this would happen and how crazy the next iteration would be. Both answers are now [...]

Hillary Clinton Commits Perjury!!!

Hillary Clinton Commits Perjury!!! Back in October during questioning by Rep. Jim Jordan, Clinton said that “nothing was marked classified at the time I sent or received it.” Comey’s Finding:::With respect to the thousands of e-mails we found that were not among those produced to State, agencies have concluded that [...]

It Is Time To Revoke The Broadcast License Of The Major Networks As They Have Become Propaganda Outlets For Hillary Clinton

Sanders Supporters Vindicated: Proof DNC Used Media To Rig Election for Hillary   Submitted by Claire Bernish via, While Bernie Sanders’ supporters and independent media outlets have exhaustively pointed out that corporate media’s fatuous prattling over Hillary Clinton likely tipped the elections in her favor, we now have solid [...]

Obama Care Destroys Jobs! No Kidding!

Goldman Crushes Democrat’s Dreams: Shows Obamacare Has Cost “A Few Hundred Thousand Jobs”   We suspect Lloyd Blankfein will be receiving a call from The White House (or Treasury) very soon as Goldman Sachs’ economists did the unthinkable in the age of political correctness – while investigating the state of [...]
